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Bernoulli Roulette System

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i Midnight Skulker.
I was naturally interested in your comment that my book was on sale in Amazon and an outfit in the UK. I checked Amazon and couldn't find it so can you tell me how to access the relevant page ? I certainly did not put the advert in nor could the London Gambler's Bookshop because they don't have any copies left .I priced it at £15 because the bookshop- my only outlet - takes 50% of the retail price - well they must live - so to offer it for sale for $80 is flattering.Are you sure you got the title right ?
My continuing reference about the house Edge ( HE ) is not aimed at you but at newbies who might be misled by VB Meister and Roulette Dealer continuously telling everyone that you cannot beat the House Edge when, as VB himself says that the House Edge can be beaten by bet selection.A view I share.
Your contention that I ' don't know what I am doing ' is bullshit. Because a person doesn't have a background in Maths does not mean that he / she is ignorant about maths.
And,yes , I did use joint probability to a single spin because joint probability does apply and why, with your knowledge of maths , you don't accept this is puzzling.
Another example of joint probability applied to a single spin is if we choose one dozen and one column. Assuming a no zero table the probability of each is 1 / 3 so the probability of them both winning on the same spin is 1 /3 multiplied by 1 / 3 which is 1 / 9 .Are you seriously suggesting that my maths here is wrong ?
I think you have caught VB and Brian's disease of jumping to the wrong conclusion .
And I am not John Patrick .

Bernoulli Roulette System Chart

Bernoulli Roulette System

  1. Bernoulli Roulette System Chart
  2. Bernoulli Roulette System Review

i Midnight Skulker.
I was naturally interested in your comment that my book was on sale in Amazon and an outfit in the UK. I checked Amazon and couldn't find it so can you tell me how to access the relevant page ? I certainly did not put the advert in nor could the London Gambler's Bookshop because they don't have any copies left .I priced it at £15 because the bookshop- my only outlet - takes 50% of the retail price - well they must live - so to offer it for sale for $80 is flattering.Are you sure you got the title right ?
My continuing reference about the house Edge ( HE ) is not aimed at you but at newbies who might be misled by VB Meister and Roulette Dealer continuously telling everyone that you cannot beat the House Edge when, as VB himself says that the House Edge can be beaten by bet selection.A view I share.
Your contention that I ' don't know what I am doing ' is bullshit. Because a person doesn't have a background in Maths does not mean that he / she is ignorant about maths.
And,yes , I did use joint probability to a single spin because joint probability does apply and why, with your knowledge of maths , you don't accept this is puzzling.
Another example of joint probability applied to a single spin is if we choose one dozen and one column. Assuming a no zero table the probability of each is 1 / 3 so the probability of them both winning on the same spin is 1 /3 multiplied by 1 / 3 which is 1 / 9 .Are you seriously suggesting that my maths here is wrong ?
I think you have caught VB and Brian's disease of jumping to the wrong conclusion .
And I am not John Patrick .

Bernoulli Roulette System Chart

Poker creek gold ketchikan ak hotels. The Premier of South Australia, Mike Rann, is embroiled in something of a sex scandal at the moment. I won't go into all the sordid details, but, briefly, a woman by the name of Michelle Chantelois is claiming that Rann had sex with her several years ago (he was single but she was married at the time), a claim he is emphatically denying.

Bernoulli Roulette System Review

  • A single Bernoulli trial, like the resolution of a bet in a roulette game, has only two—count ‘em, 2—possible results: the bet wins or it loses. Double the number of bets and you double the number of possible results: both can win, the first can win while the second loses, the second can win while the first loses, or both can lose.
  • Bernoulli's principle 3d animation This is an important principle involving the movement of a fluid through a pressure difference. Suppose a fluid is moving.

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